Every Child Achieves

Every Child Achieves

Outcomes at Keeble 


EYFS (Good Level of Development) 


2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23

Keeble (Summer 20)*

National  Keeble (Summer 21)* National  Keeble (Summer 22) National  Keeble (Summer 23) National 
% of children achieving GLD 83% NA 77% NA 84% 65% 78% 67%





2021-22 2022-2023
Y1 (June 2022)  Y1 (June 2023) 
 Keeble  National   Keeble  National 
% of children achieving PSC 90% 75% 90% 79%

KS1 outcomes 

2021-22 2022-23
Keeble   National Keeble National
% of children achieving expected standard in RWM 69%
Reading (expected/greater depth)  69% / 23% 67% / 18% 82% / 26% 68%
Writing (expected/greater depth)  69% /8% 58% / 8% 78% / 19% 60%
Maths (expected/greater depth)  77% / 31% 68% / 15% 89% / 33% 70%