Special Educational Needs & Disabilities (SEND)
Inclusion at Keeble:
At Keeble we celebrate every child's individual strengths, we know no two learners are alike. We provide an enriching curriculum full of opportunities for children with different skills, interests and talents which enable our children to thrive and experience success. We recognise that all our children have different strengths and face their own challenges. We actively encourage children to be resilient and persevere when faced with challenges by providing children with the tools and skills they need to succeed. We highlight our differences and celebrate them during our daily collective worship and also in our classes, remembering our school values, love, kindness, self-belief and aspiration. At Keeble, we provide children with a secure and caring environment, and do everything we possibly can to help them to flourish as a unique individual.
SEND Support:
Across North Yorkshire, a range of specialist support and provision services such as educational psychologists and Early Years advisory teachers work in partnership with schools and other settings to promote inclusion, achievement and to secure better outcomes for children and young people with SEND.
At Keeble we know that sometimes children benefit from work with specialist services. This means a professional outside the Academy may visit and work with, support and advise Academy staff, in order to ensure that every child’s needs are met. The specialist professional will make recommendations and advise on appropriate strategies and progress targets, which may include some individual support; changing some aspects of teaching; a group run by Academy staff under the guidance of the external professional; group or individual work with the external professional.
By working with the Inclusive Education Service, Elevate Academies have access to Speech and Language Therapists (SALT), Educational Psychologists (EP), Occupational Therapy (OT), Children and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS). In addition support is available through a variety of EMS (Enhance Mainstream School) services, including Communication and Interaction, Social and Emotional Mental Health, Cognition and Learning and Sensory and / or Physical.
Support you can access as a family:
The Local Offer:
North Yorkshire Local Authority has published its Local Offer for parents/carers of children who have Special Educational Needs or a disability (SEND) and all those who support children with additional needs. This includes information about services across health and social care as well as private, voluntary and community sectors. This can be found at: https://www.northyorks.gov.uk/send-local-offer
Important documentation
Please click here to view our SEND Policy.
Please see our Supporting Educational Needs and Disabilities leaflet for parents below:
Parent Information